If you see beads of moisture on your windows, don’t panic. Your windows likely aren’t leaking, but rather are forming condensation caused by differences in temperature between the exterior and interior of the home. Window condensation isn’t particularly bad, but it can be annoying and disconcerting if you’re not aware of what it is.

Condensation occurs when moist, humid air inside or outside the house tries to escape to a drier environment. During the winter, when it’s warmer and more humid inside the house versus the cold outside, moisture will condensate on the interior of the cold window glass and frame. In the summer, moisture from the humid air outside will condensate on the windows cooled by the interior air conditioning.

You see the same phenomenon in the bathroom, when a hot shower can fog up the mirror or create water droplets on the walls.

The likelihood for condensation formation is higher today because homes are tighter and more efficient—so there is little opportunity for the moisture to escape on its own.

During colder months, interior moisture can originate from many areas of your house—from the heating system as well as from new products like flooring, from showers, and even from breathing.

What can you do to reduce window condensation? First and foremost, by reducing the moisture in the home. Because houses are more efficient, they’re tighter and less drafty, so incorporating mechanical ventilation—such as a fresh air appliance or a dehumidifier—can be helpful. Always run your bathroom fan during showers (both for the sake of your bathroom walls as well as the home’s overall moisture levels). Operating your heating/cooling more efficiently (i.e., turning down the thermostat in the winter and up in the summer) will lessen the temperature difference from interior to exterior, also potentially reducing the intensity of condensation.

Have more questions about condensation? Contact us at sales@boralwindows.com or 972-349-4145.